EuRIS partners

 De Vlaamse Waterweg nv  
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Austria is represented in EuRIS by via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-GmbH, the inland waterway management organisation for Austria. They manage 350 km of the Danube.

via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
Donau-City-Straße 1
1220 Vienna


Belgium is represented in EuRIS by De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, the inland waterway authority for Flanders. They manage 1.100 km of inland waterways.

De Vlaamse Waterweg
Havenstraat 44
3500 Hasselt

Also the information of other Belgian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • Port of Antwerp Bruges

  • Port of Brussels


Bulgaria is represented in EuRIS by the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company, RIS authority of Bulgaria. They manage 470 km of inland waterways.

Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) – Head Office
69 Shipchenski prohod Blvd
1574 Sofia

BPI Co. River Information Services Authority
20A Pristanishtna Str.
7000 Ruse

Also the information of other Bulgarian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • Executive Agency "Maritime Administration"


Croatia is represented in EuRIS by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Prisavlje 14
10 000 Zagreb


Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is represented in EuRIS by Státní plavební správa (State Navigation Authority), the supreme shipping authority and RIS manager for the Czech Republic. They operate RIS on 315 km of inland waterways and act as a navigation authority for the overall Czech Republic.

Státní plavební správa
Jankovcova 4
170 04 Praha 7
The Czech Republic

Development of RIS in the Czech Republic is provided by Ředitelství vodních cest ČR (Waterways Directorate of the Czech Republic), the state organisation responsible for the development of waterways infrastructure and for the operation of public port and RIS infrastructure on 556 km of major waterways in the Czech Republic.

Ředitelství vodních cest ČR
Nábřeží L. Svobody 1222/12
110 15  Praha 1
The Czech Republic


France is represented in EuRIS by Voies navigables de France - VNF, the inland waterway authority for France. They manage 6.700 km of inland waterways.

Voies navigables de France
175 rue Ludovic Boutleux CS30820
62408 Béthune cedex

Also the information of other French waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • EDF - Electricité de France : Rhin Supérieur
  • CNR - Compagnie Nationale du Rhône : Rhône
  • HAROPA : Grand Port Maritime du Havre, Grand Port Maritime de Rouen, Ports de Paris
  • Port Autonome de Strasbourg
  • Port de Dunkerque
  • Ports de Lille
  • Ville de Paris
  • MEL - Metropole Européenne de Lille
  • EPIDOR : Dordogne


Germany is represented in EuRIS by Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, the inland waterway authority for Germany. They manage 7.300 km of inland waterways.

Generaldirektion Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrt
Am Propsthof 51
53121 Bonn


Hungary is represented in EuRIS by RSOE, the RIS Provider for Hungary for 378 km.

RSOE - National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications
Elnök utca 1
1089 Budapest

Also the information of other Hungarian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • Inland waterway maintenance authority: General Directorate for Water Management (OVF)


Luxembourg is represented in EuRIS by the Service de navigation fluviale, the inland waterway authority for Luxembourg. They manage 37,4 km of inland waterways of which 36,3 km as a common border with Germany and 1,1 km as a common border with France.

Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux Publics
Service de navigation fluviale
36, rue de Machtum
L-6753 Grevenmacher

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is represented in EuRIS by Rijkswaterstaat, the inland waterway authority for The Netherlands. They manage 3.437 km of inland waterways.

Griffioenlaan 2
3526 LA Utrecht
The Netherlands


Romania is represented in EuRIS by Romanian Naval Authority, the inland waterway authority for Romania. They manage more than 1.200 km of inland waterways.

Autoritatea Navala Romana
Incinta Port nr.1
900900 Constanta

Also the information of other Romanian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • Administratia Fluviala a Dunarii de Jos
    Str.Portului Nr.32
    800025 Galati

  • Administratia Canalelor Navigabile
    Str. Ecluzei Nr.1
    907015 Agigea


The Republic of Serbia is represented in EuRIS by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure – Directorate for Inland Waterways, the authority responsible for maintenance and development of international and interstate inland waterways. They manage 963 km of inland waterways.

Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure – Directorate for Inland Waterways
Francuska 9 St.
11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia

Also the information of other Serbian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS



Slovakia is represented in EuRIS by Dopravný úrad/Transport Authority, the navigation authority and RIS manager for Slovakia. They operate RIS on 169 km of the Danube and act as a navigation authority for Slovakia.

Transport Authority
Letisko M. R. Štefánika
823 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Also the information of other Slovakian waterway authorities is made available through EuRIS:

  • Public Ports a. s.
    Prístavna 10
    821 09 Bratislava
    Slovak republic
    as a Operator of
    - Port of Bratislava
    - Port of Komarno
    - Port of Sturovo

  • Slovak Water Management Enterprise, s. e.
    Radničné námestie 8
    969 55 Banská Štiavnica
    as a Operator of:
    - Gabcikovo Locks and a watercourse manager

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