General Terms and Conditions of EuRIS



The EuRIS services comprise the provision of information to Vessel Operators (e.g. Skippers and Fleet Managers) and Logistics Users regarding transport on European inland waterways to enhance the safety and efficiency of inland navigation, in particular through the provision of Corridor River Information Services and as further specified in these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). The Use of the EuRIS Service (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) and the means through which the Service can be accessed and used (e.g. by means of Internet at is subject to the present General Terms and Conditions of use presented below. These Terms and Conditions contain important provisions on the purpose of the Services, restrictions on the use, the liability, the duration and termination of the Services. By making use of the Service, you can, as a user, request and/or view both real-time, dynamic information (position of vessels, actual traffic situation, water levels, cargo data, etc.) and static information on the waterways (operating times, permitted dimensions of structures, storage facilities, average waiting times at locks, etc.).


The EuRIS services comprise the provision of information to Vessel Operators (e.g. Skippers and Fleet Managers) and Logistics Users regarding transport on European inland waterways and optional additional services (“Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to the provision of the Services and the means through which the Services can be accessed and used (e.g. the Website

We attach great importance to the protection of privacy and personal data when providing the Services. We will therefore only process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter the “GDPR”), and other relevant applicable data protection legislation.

‘Personal data’ means any information about a living, identifiable person.

‘Processing’ covers all activities relating to the use of personal data for example its collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, use, disclosure, erasure or destruction.

Our aim in adopting this Privacy Policy is, amongst other things, to inform you in a simple transparent and clear manner about the personal data we process, why and how we process them, and to inform you about your rights.

Where necessary, we will ask you as a data subject for informed, free, unambiguous and specific consent to perform certain processing operations.
This Privacy Policy may be subject to amendments and modifications in the future. This will be made clear in the Privacy Policy. It is therefore your responsibility to consult this document on a regular basis. Any substantial change will always be clearly communicated.


In the context of this Privacy Policy, the organisations you can find at are to be considered as the organisations responsible for processing, in GDPR-terms: ‘joint controllers’. De Vlaamse Waterweg (hereafter also referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) has a special role, being not only one of the joint controllers but also your contract partner, the ´processor´, and taking on many tasks within the provision of the Services. If you want to learn more about the respective roles and relationships of the joint controllers vis-à-vis you, please contact us.

The joint controllers determine the purposes and means for the processing of personal data for the provision of the Services.

An organisation is ‘controller’ when it makes decisions about how and why the personal data are processed.

An organisation is ‘processor‘: when it processes personal data on behalf of a controller.

You can always reach us by using the contact details stipulated in the section ‘Contact point for questions related to data protection´ below (see GDPR Art. 26).

Contact point for questions related to data protection

Each Joint Controller shall have a designated contact point for questions related to data protection. You can always contact your national Data Protection Officer for questions, remarks or requests relating to the processing of personal data.

Contact point for questions related to data protection   Name and contact details
 1. in Austria: Postal Address:
via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-GmbH
Donau-City-Straße 1
1220 Vienna
attn. DoRIS Betrieb
 2. in Belgium: Postal Address:
De Vlaamse Waterweg nv
Havenstraat 44
3500 Hasselt
attn. Data Protection officer of EuRIS
 3. in Bulgaria: Postal Address:
Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company
69 Shipchenski prohod Blvd 1574 Sofia, Bulgaria
 4. in Croatia: Postal Address:
Ms Katarina Mustafagić
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Prisavlje 14, 10 000 Zagreb Data protection
officer: Ms Katarina Mustafagić
 5. in the Czech Republic Postal Address:
Státní plavební správa Jankovcova 4 170 04 Prague 7, Czech Repbulic
 6. in France: Postal Address:
Mrs Jeanne-Marie ROGER
Voies navigables de France
175 rue Ludovic Boutleux
62408 Béthune cedex
France Phone: +33 (0)3 21 63 24 24 email:
 7. in Germany: Postal Address:
Generaldirektion Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt Am Propsthof 51 53121 Bonn, Germany
 8. in Hungary: Postal Address:
Hungarian National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications (RSOE) Elnök utca 1 Budapest, 1089, Hungary
 9. in Romania: Postal Address:
Mr Ciprian Marius Ciopa
Romanian Naval Authority Constanta Port No. 1 900900 Constanta, Romania
10. in Serbia: Postal Address:
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Directorate for Inland Waterways Francuska 9 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
11. in Slovakia: Postal Address:
Transport Authority Letisko M.R. Štefánika 823 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
12. in the Netherlands: Postal Address:
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Rijkswaterstaat
Traffic and Water Management Griffioenlaan 2 3526 LA Utrecht, The Netherlands
13. in Luxembourg: Postal Address:
Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics
Direction Navigation fluviale et Logistique
4, Place de l’Europe . L-1499 Luxembourg
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Commissaire à la protection des banques de données de l’Etat
43, Bd. F.D. Roosevelt
L-2450 Luxembourg

We may process personal data through the involvement of third-party service providers who receive clear instructions to this end and may only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions and after ensuring an adequate level of security.


When processing personal data, we undertake to comply with the general statutory principles regarding the processing of such data. In particular in application of the principle of minimal data processing, we will therefore only process those data that are strictly necessary for the purposes as defined in this Privacy Policy.

We process personal data in order to provide you harmonised information services to support traffic and transport management for inland navigation, including technical interfaces to other modes of transport (hereinafter “RIS”), in the context of the performance of its task of general interest and the enhancement of safety and efficiency of inland navigation.

To this end, we will process the following personal data, provided that this data is collected by us or by other joint controllers in the fulfilment of their task of public interest and the enhancement of safety and efficiency of inland navigation. These are required in order to provide the aforementioned information services.

  • Inland Automatic Identification Systems (Inland AIS Transponders) data such as the vessel position and its identification
  • Data on the hull of the vessel such as its identifications, dimensions, etc.
  • Cargo and voyage data such as the details of the transported cargo, the transport route cargo sender and receiver,
  • User Profile Data such as the first and last name, email address

The processing of the personal data of the data subjects (passengers, crew, etc.) is based on (i) our legitimate interest and the legitimate interest of the user according to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR that lies in the provision and the use of the Services under the contract that is concluded between you and De Vlaamse Waterweg on behalf of the joint controllers or (ii) to the extent the data subject is asked to give consent, the consent of the data subject.


Depending on the nature and scope of the chosen service, it may be necessary for us to pass the personal data to third parties, in particular third-party service providers, in order to be able to provide the service requested by you in full.

If we transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area, we will provide for a legal basis for such data transfer, especially by means of the conclusion of the Standard Contractual Clauses issued by the European Commission.

Possible recipients are in any case:

  • RIS authorities/providers
  • Court/police – only if a valid decision is provided


All personal data are stored only for the period necessary to achieve the objectives described above.

  • Personal data processed within the scope of the RIS: 30 calendar days
  • Personal data (including user profile) processed within the scope of the additional services: until you request the deletion of the data


During the use of the Service of, so-called “cookies” can be placed on your device. By using the Service you will always be asked to give your explicit consent for the use of non-essential cookies and the placing of such cookies on your device via a check box that pops up by opening the Service.

Cookies are small text files stored in your browser. They are downloaded by your browser the first time you visit the Service. The next time this Service is visited using the same terminal or browser, the cookie and the information stored in it will be sent either to the respective website which set it (first party cookie) or to another website to which it belongs (third party cookie). In this way, the cookie recognises that the website was requested using the respective browser and this changes the way in which content is displayed. For instance, cookies "remember" your preferences, how you use a site, and to some degree they adapt the offers shown to the individual.

Functionally necessary cookies

We use the following cookies for the purpose of transmitting messages and providing the services requested by you. The data processing activities undertaken by employing the use of cookies are based on our legitimate interests in providing a fully functioning website and the services requested by you (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

Cookie  Types of data  Purposes  Storage period  Recipients 
 ClientSettings  string  Language Preferences
 Cookie Version
 1 year  EuRIS
 ARRAffinity  string  Load balancing  Session  EuRIS
 ASP.NET_SessionId  String  Session information  Session  EuRIS

Other cookies: No other cookies are used by EuRIS.


Right to access (Art 15 GDPR) – right to rectification (Art 16 GDPR) – right to erasure (Art 17 GDPR)

Any data subject who provides sufficient proof of their identity has the right to obtain an answer from us as to whether or not personal data concerning them will be processed and, if so, to have access to such personal data.

You have the right to obtain information about the processing purposes, the categories of personal data that are processed, the recipients of the personal data, the (criteria for determining the) period (during which) your personal data will be stored and the rights you may exercise in accordance with the GDPR.

Personal data that are incomplete or inaccurate can be corrected.

As a user, you also have the right to have your personal data deleted by us. You can only invoke this right in certain cases, which we will assess, for example:

  • if your personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
  • if you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  • if an objection is made to the processing and there are no compelling, justifiable grounds for the processing;
  • if the personal data have been processed unlawfully;
  • if your data have to be deleted in accordance with a statutory obligation.

Even if the cases above apply, we may not be obliged to delete the data under GPDR.

Right to restriction of processing (Art 18 GDPR) / right to objection (Art 21 GDPR)

As a user you have the right to obtain a restriction on the processing from us if one of the following cases applies:

  • you dispute the correctness of the personal data;
  • the processing appears to be unlawful and you do not wish to have your personal data deleted;
  • we no longer need your personal data for processing purposes, but you still need them for the initiation, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.
  • we must assess the existence of grounds for the deletion of the personal data and do so during this period.

Moreover, in certain cases, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your specific situation. Thereafter, we will cease processing your personal data, unless we can provide compelling, justifiable grounds for processing your personal data that outweigh your right to object.

You also have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing if legal consequences attach to this or if such a decision may substantially affect you. In relation to the provision of the Services, no automated individual decision-making (including profiling) takes place.

Finally, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes, if applicable.

Right to data portability (Art 20 GDPR)

You have the right to obtain the personal data you provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format if the processing takes place on the basis of your consent or on the basis of the performance of a contract between you and us. In addition, you are entitled to ask us to transfer this personal data to another controller.

Right to withdraw your consent (Art 7 (3) GDPR) / right to file a complaint with a supervisory Authority

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to file a complaint with the authorised supervisory authorities regarding the processing of your data by us.

Exercise your rights

If you wish to exercise your rights listed above, we will usually comply with this request within one (1) month of receiving it. The request shall be made by registered letter to your national contact point (address as stated above) or by email to: .

When you exercise of your rights, we will always act in accordance with the GDPR and thus provide all the information required in the GDPR in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible form, which you will receive in simple language.

The deadlines for responding to your requests may be extended in exceptional circumstances, including the complexity/multiplicity of your requests. To this end, we will inform you of this extension and of the reasons for it within one (1) month of receiving your request.

In the context of exercising your rights and/or contacting the relevant data protection authority (see, we may ask you to prove your identity beforehand.



Privacy Policy

In order to offer the services of EuRIS, personal data are processed. Therefore, also a privacy policy is provided ,a legal statement that specifies how the data are processed and for what purposes.

By selecting the checkbox provided, you confirm that you have taken note of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and accept these without reservation.
In the text that follows

In the context of THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the organisations you can find at jointly define the purposes and means of the Processing Activities, in GPPR-terms: ‘joint controllers’. Information about data processing in connection with the Services in accordance with Articles 13f GDPR and about the Joint Controllership is available in the Privacy Policy on the website of EuRIS. ”We” (respectively “us” and “our”) refers to the waterway management company De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, with the following company data: De Vlaamse Waterweg, a public limited liability corporation under public law, with registered office at Havenstraat 44, 3500 Hasselt and company registration number 0216.173.309. We are acting on behalf of the joint controllers and provide the Services and are your contract partner.


We may amend the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, such as following changes to its services or to current legislation. The adjusted terms and conditions will apply as from the date of their publication. In the event of major changes, we will inform you personally by email and ask for your consent if needed.


The Service regarding transport on European inland waterways is aimed at the promotion of efficient and safe shipping via the provision of available information such as information on the waterway and on the actual traffic on inland waterways. It collects data from most other national authorities in Europe and provides services at a European level through one Service (e.g. providing the position of vessels on most European inland waterways – irrespective of the country, the vessel is sailing).
The personal data provided is limited to the information relevant to the user profile and the choice approved by the user.
Furthermore, the nature and scope of the provided information shall depend on the manner in which it is consulted (whether or not via a mobile application). If possible and where the relevant basic data are available, a route and itinerary planner will also be provided.


We will – to the best of our ability – make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the provided functionality of the Services works as expected and that the provided or displayed information is correct at the time of inclusion for publication, which does not prevent the Service from still containing incomplete, inaccurate or outdated information or mistakes occurring regarding the display of these data or the operation of the provided functionality, also due to the fact that some or all information originates from third parties such as authorities from other European countries. We reserve the right to supplement, modify, correct or remove the provided information or functionality at any time without prior notice. We thus give no guarantees with regard to the accuracy of the information provided.
You often provide the personal data yourself directly to us and can thus exercise a certain level of control over its accuracy and minimisation. In any case, if certain information is incorrect or incomplete, neither we nor the authorities from other European countries bear any liability for possible adverse consequences, also if parts or the entirety of the Services become unavailable as a result.

It is particularly important that you comply with data security regulations, in particular by not giving third parties access to your registration address. You are solely responsible for every visit to and use of the Service through your “account”.

We only bundle information and factual situations supplied and created by third parties such as authorities from other European countries. The Services are not created and compiled for the individual requirements and needs of a particular user. Neither we nor the authorities from other European countries undertake any guarantee and/or liability for the correctness, actuality, freedom from errors or completeness of the Services (e.g. of provided information) as well as for a certain usability of the same or for the availability of the Services. The users of the Service acknowledge this and use the information made available to them at their own risk.

The liability of us as well as of the authorities from other European countries shall in any case be limited to

  • intent and severe cases of gross negligence; and
  • direct damage as a result of proven and attributable errors in the way in which We compile information and makes it visible.

Further, the liability of us as well as of the authorities from other European countries shall in any case be excluded for

  • damage in the form of lost profit, financial or commercial losses, lost production, increased general expenses, increased administrative costs, lost cargo, lost time, lost or damaged data, lost contracts, immaterial damage and lost clientele; and
  • damage resulting from the disclosure of information or data to authorities.

Regardless of the nature of the damage and its legal basis, the liability of us as well as of the authorities from other European countries shall in any case be limited to the amount that the user paid during the last 12 months for the EuRIS services, subject to a minimum of EUR 100 per claim.

We may close your user account and deny or partially suspend your right to use the Services in the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions of Use or any special conditions linked to a specific service. You agree to fully indemnify and hold us and our sub-processors as well as the RIS authorities/providers harmless against any claims from third parties, including but not limited to reasonable (extra)judicial and administrative costs arising from or in connection with the violation of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The provisions of this clause apply mutatis mutandis to third party service providers (such as (sub-)processors) and third parties who provide information for the Services, such as authorities from other European countries, as well as to their employees and representatives and the employees and representatives of us.

We as well as the authorities from other European countries shall use their best efforts to ensure the integrity of the data provided and shall take all reasonable technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss, theft, unauthorised alteration or destruction of data. The user acknowledges that when situations of force majeure are the reason for a breach relating to personal data, such as a data leak, this cannot be regarded as a shortcoming on the part of us to take the necessary, appropriate data security measures. You often provide the personal data yourself directly to us and can thus exercise a certain level of control over its accuracy and minimisation. In any case, if certain information is incorrect or incomplete, neither we nor the authorities from other European countries bear any liability for possible adverse consequences, even if parts or the whole of the Service become unavailable as a result. However, it is particularly important that you comply with the data security regulations, in particular by not giving third parties access to your ”account”. You are solely responsible for every visit to and use of the Service through your “account”.

We as well as the authorities from other European countries will not accept any liability if it is in no way responsible for the event causing the loss or damage.


You may use the content of the Service only as strictly required for purposes permitted by us of enhancing the safety and efficiency of the inland navigation of your vessels by using the provided information such as information on the waterway and on the actual traffic on inland waterways. Any other use, publication and/or duplication of the information and details provided by means of the Service without the prior written permission of us is forbidden and is a breach of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, without prejudice to other relevant statutory provisions.

The following forms of use of the Service, inter alia, are not permitted:

  • use for commercial purposes for the benefit of third parties, unless written approval has been obtained from us, or an “account” has been created through the Service for this purpose, and the specific conditions of use associated with such an “account” are fully complied with;
  • use for purposes whose content is contrary to public order or morality, discriminatory, insulting, defamatory or offensive or otherwise infringes the rights of others;
  • display of the information provided through the Service in a manner other than that made available to you by us. You may not edit the information, communicate it to the public or exploit it in any way, nor assist others in doing so as an intermediary or otherwise, except when written approval has been obtained from us, or an “account” has been created through the Service for this purpose and the specific conditions of use associated with such an “account” are fully complied with.
  • You are not entitled to “mirror” material from the Service on another server, or website or other platform without the prior written consent of us. The use of the content on any other website or in a computer network environment for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited without the express written permission of us.
  • The use of software or any automated system to obtain information from the Services (“screen scraping”) is prohibited. We reserve the right to take all measures it deems necessary in the event of a violation of this prohibition.
  • You are not permitted to use the Service in such a way that it is impaired or damaged, for example by uploading computer viruses or other harmful files or by circumventing technical protection and security measures to safeguard, among other things, the integrity and confidentiality of the data provided on through the Services.
  • You may not create and/or exploit any links to the Service in a way that is confusing or incorrectly suggests that there is a link between the Service and the website or location that refers to the Service (via a hyperlink or otherwise) unless you have the prior written permission of us.

Some functions of the Service allow or oblige you to create an “account” for participation in or access to additional services or benefits. You agree to provide truthful, accurate, current and complete information during the registration process. You agree that you will not impersonate or misrepresent any other person, group or entity with respect to your identity or your relationship with any other person, group or entity, or use any other person's user name, password, account details, name of any other person, image or photograph, or misrepresent any likeness to any other person. You further agree that you will immediately notify the contact point for questions related to data protection (see our Privacy Policy hereinunder VIII ) of any unauthorised use of your user name, password or other account information, or of any other breach of security with which you are faced and which relates to the Service.
The user is responsible for the vessels that are attributed to him, respectively his account (“claimed vessels”). If the user sells, lets or leases to someone else or otherwise loses or abandons control of a vessel, the user is obliged to delete the vessel from his account.
We may close your user account and deny or partially suspend your right to use the Service in the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions of Use or any special conditions linked to a specific service. You agree to fully indemnify and hold us and our appointees harmless against any claims from third parties, including but not limited to reasonable (extra)judicial and administrative costs arising from or in connection with the violation of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.



Without prejudice to what has already been provided for in the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, we and the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, shall under no circumstances be liable, even in the event of serious misconduct or gross negligence, for any damage resulting from the use of the functionality and information provided on the Service, except in the event of a deliberate fault on its part, since we only bundle information and factual situations supplied and created by third parties such as authorities from other European countries. The Service is only a means to make the information and factual situations supplied and created by third parties available without any responsibility for us or the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, for the accuracy, completeness or usability of this information.

If several parties are involved in the claim, we as well as the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, shall only be liable to the extent that its share in the liability is proven.

Neither we nor the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, are responsible for intent or gross negligence on the part of its employees or third parties, including other users of the Service who have provided information.

The user of the Service remains responsible at all times for the use of the waterways, the infrastructure present there, as well as for his vessel and the way it is being used, its cargo and persons on board.

The liability of us and/or the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, shall in any case be limited to direct damage as a result of proven and attributable errors in the way in which the Service compiles information and makes it visible, and in any case to the exclusion of damage in the form of lost profit, financial or commercial losses, lost production, increased general expenses, increased administrative costs, lost cargo, lost time, lost or damaged data, lost contracts, immaterial damage and lost clientele.

Regardless of the nature of the damage and its legal basis, the liability of us as well as the authorities of other European Countries, which deliver data to us, shall in any case be limited to the amount that you have paid during the last 12 months for the use of the Service, subject to a minimum of EUR 100 per claim.

Force Majeure

“Force majeure” means any fact or event that is beyond the control of us and/or the authorities of other European Countries, that could not have been foreseen or prevented, and that has a significant influence on the functioning of the Service and/or the information provided via the Service.

The following, inter alia, are considered instances of force majeure:

  • wars and hostilities, embargoes, uprisings and local conflicts, terrorism;
  • Act of God (natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, pandemic, …);
  • “Act of state” (a “higher order”);
  • decisions, acts or omissions to act or decide by all sections of the government, which lie outside of the direct decision-making authority over the specific powers of De Vlaamse Waterweg itself;
  • failure of third parties to act due to circumstances that are beyond the control of us and/or of the authorities of other European Countries, including without limitation, the total or partial unavailability of electronic communication networks, satellites or other technological infrastructure such as transponders and transmission masts.
  • This listing is not exhaustive.

If a case of Force Majeure occurs, we as well as the authorities of other European Countries shall be exempted, for the duration of the Force Majeure, from any liability regarding the availability, operation and functionality provided through the Service and the accuracy and completeness of any information that may or may not have had to be disseminated or was disseminated through the Service.



As a consumer, you have the right to inform us of your intention to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from the contract via an unambiguous statement by e-mail to .

To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your communication regarding your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.


In order to provide the Services, personal data within the meaning of Article 4(1) GDPR are being processed. The organisations you can find under jointly define the purposes and means of the data processing activities, in GPPR-terms: ‘joint controllers’. Information about data processing in connection with the Services in accordance with Articles 13f GDPR and about the Joint Controllership is available in the Privacy Policy on the website of EuRIS.

You are obliged to inform the concerned data subjects (passengers, crew, etc.) on the data processing by EuRIS in connection with the Services as stated in the Privacy Policy available on the website of EuRIS  prior to the use of this Service. In case of disagreement, objection or withdrawal of consent by a data subject or in case no consent is given by a data subject (as applicable), you are obliged to inform your contact point for questions related to data protection immediately, so that we can take appropriate steps.

You are obliged to delete all personal data, which you obtained from EuRIS in connection with the Services immediately after the termination of the corresponding transport operation.

Further, you are obliged to ensure the legal admissibility of the use of the Services on your end, in particular with regards to data protection and labour law (e.g. in case under the laws applicable in your country consent of data subjects (e.g. crew) or the conclusion of a shop agreement is required).

Third Country Data Transfers

In connection with users (data recipients) located in third countries under the GDPR, we agree on our own behalf and on behalf of the RIS Authorities and RIS Providers listed at to the conclusion of the Standard Contractual Clauses (Commission Decision 2001/497/EC). The Appendices of the Standard Contractual Clauses shall be specified in accordance with the list of RIS Authorities and RIS providers and the list of data categories which may be found at this page.

Data Security and Confidentiality

Taking implementation costs into consideration, we have developed the necessary data security measures, on a technical and organisational level, to prevent the destruction, loss, falsification, alteration, unauthorised access to or inadvertent disclosure to third parties of your personal data. These measures are continuously updated, among other things by adapting them to the state of the art.


During use of the Service, so-called “cookies” can be placed on your device in order to remember certain choices of returning users or to provide you certain functionalities.

A cookie is a small text and number file that we store in your browser or on your computer’s hard drive. This allows us to remember your preferences when using the Service.

You can disable or delete all cookies installed on your computer or mobile device at any time via your browser settings (usually under “Help” or “Internet options”). Each type of browser has its own settings for managing cookies.

Further information is provided in the Privacy Policy .


The texts, drawings, photographs, films, images, data, databases, software, definitions, trade and domain names, brands, logos and other elements of the Services and the means through which the Services can be accessed and used (e.g. the Website this Service are protected by intellectual property rights and are the property of us, or third parties (e.g. suppliers of standards software). It is forbidden, without the prior written consent of us, to save or copy the information provided on and via the Services and the means through which the Services can be accessed and used (e.g. the Website (information other than the information needed to be able to consult this Website access the Services), to reproduce, change, publicise, distribute or send, sell or transmit it in any other way or to confer any rights in this information to third parties.

If you fail to respect the intellectual property rights, or other rights of us or third parties, you undertake to compensate us or third parties and to indemnify and hold them harmless against any claims or demands resulting as a breach thereof.


If a clause of these terms and conditions is invalid, void or without effect, this will not affect the other clauses that remain fully applicable.


Unless otherwise specified by applicable mandatory law, this agreement is exclusively governed by Belgian law with the exclusion of the reference norms; Only the Belgian courts have jurisdiction to settle disputes that could arise from the implementation of this agreement. In particular, only the courts are competent according to the location of our registered office, unless mandatory legislation specifies a different court.
